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Application Modules

     After completing the Foundation Training, certified Spectrum Development trainers are eligible to become certified in modules focusing on specific applications to business, education, community, and family. Completion of a 2-day certification module qualifies trainers to conduct the respective module within their own organization.

Colors Under Stress

To encourage and empower individuals to make the choice to effectively manage their stress, and to optimally foster their well-being and quality of life.

Team Building: Synergize to Maximize

To equip individuals and existing teams with information and knowledge that can assist them in developing effective, synergistic teams. 

Leadership = Relationship ≠ Position

To increase and broaden participants' understanding of leadership and to assist them in recognizing their own leadership potential. 

Manager-Employee Relations: Making the Employee Connection

To equip individuals in management level positions with information and knowledge that can assist them in building and maintaining stronger working working relationships with their employees. 

Customer Relations - Sales & Service

To equip individuals with information and knowledge that can assist them in establishing, developing, and maintaining excellent customer relations.

Managing "Unmanageable" Relationships

Practical skills and strategies to prevent or stop unproductive patterns of interaction, and ultimately, help you manage "unmanageable" relationships.

Teacher & Student Relations

Helping you gain new insight into your students and their needs, as well as insight into yourself as a teacher, enabling you to make the essential teacher-student connection.

Parent-Child Relationships

To help you gain a better understanding of your child and his/her needs, as well as to understand yourself in the parent role.By learning to appreciate the uniqueness of your relationship, you can secure the foundation for building a positive relationship and effective parent-child relationship.

Combating Negativity... Mine & Yours

To provide participants with knowledge and strategies to assist them in managing negativity in themselves and effectively dealing with the negativity of other people.

Revitalizing Professional Behavior in the Workplace

To bring the fundamental concepts of professionalism to the forefront of participants' consciousness and to provide practical strategies for assisting them in transferring the knowledge to their everyday behavior in the workplace.


To gain a better appreciation of themselves and others, identify critical issues, and generate solutions.

Lighting the Way to Change

To help you better understand the change process and how you can effectively lead and manage change in your workplace.

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