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Introversion & Extroversion
Introversion and Extroversion are used to describe the way people prefer to process information and how they receive their energy.
Natural Introverts make up approximately 45-50% of the U.S. population (Center for Application of Psychological Type, 1996). People with a natural preference towards Introversion have an internal thinking process. They tend to ponder and rehearse ideas in their head before speaking out loud. In fact, often times they are content with keeping ideas and feelings to themselves rather than sharing their thoughts with someone else. Natural Introverts tend to be good listeners, and appreciate having the opportunity to internally reflect and process information before having to verbally respond to it.
A person who prefers solitude to receive energy most likely has a natural tendency towards Introversion. They may appear to others as quiet, reflective, and reserved. Natural Introverts gather their energy from participating in activities such as working alone, meditating, reading, or any other activity that involves few or no other people. AN Introverted person is very space conscious and needs "breathing room." They need emotional space, physical space, and mental space.
Natural Introverts enjoy interacting with other people; however, the interaction drains them of energy. They have to be alone to re-energize after being with others. Typically an Introverted person is very selective in establishing and developing relationships. In new and unfamiliar relationships, they look for demonstrated commitment and trust before revealing themselves. They usually choose to have a few close relationships which they highly value rather than have multiple casual relationships.
The Western culture seems to promote Extroversion characteristics; therefore, Natural Introverts experience great pressure to develop their extroversion. Many times they are put on the spot and asked to "speak up", "join the group", etc. Consequently, Natural Introverts often feel guilty for enjoying, valuing, and needing time alone.
Internal Thinking Process
Ponders Ideas Before Speaking
Think First - Act Later
Interested in Internal Reactions
Intense Concentrations
Space Conscious
Reserved in New Situations
Limited Relationships
Seek Solitary Activities

Natural Extroverts make up approximately 50-55% of the U.S. population (Center for Application of Psychological Type, 1996). They have an external thinking process. To think something through, they must "talk it through." So they talk to others, they talk to themselves, they just simply talk. As they talk about something, they clarify their ideas; therefore, the first thing they say is usually not the "finished product.' To others, this may appear as indecisive, when in fact they are not changing their mind they are simply coming to a final conclusion. Natural Extroverts will usually volunteer their thoughts, ideas, and feelings to others without having to be asked. One rarely has to wonder or guess what a Natural Extrovert is thinking.
A person who becomes energized by being with other people most likely has a natural tendency towards Extroversion. They are very sociable and outgoing. They enjoy meeting people, being with people, and talking to people. The more interaction Natural Extroverts have with other people, the more energized they become. They make concerted efforts to be with other people. When Natural Extroverts are by themselves, they become very lonely and restless. Solitary activities drain energy from a Natural Extrovert.
Rarely does a Natural Extrovert meet a stranger. They are very approachable and feel at ease in striking up a conversation with someone they just met. Natural Extroverts seems to know a lot of people, and they enjoy participating in activities with as many people as possible. Their motto is "the more, the merrier."
The Natural Extrovert's language pattern differs from that of a Natural Introvert. Natural Extroverts usually speak with a louder volume, and they tend to speak more rapidly. Their verbal message is accompanied by lots of nonverbal communication such as gestures and facial expressions.
External Thinking Process
Think Out Loud
Act While Thinking
Interested in External Happenings
Energized when with Others
Initiate Interactions
Multiple Relationships
Seeks Opportunities to be with Others